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West Bromwich Food Bank

The food bank has been running since December 2007 and during that time has supported 8,000+ people who were in crisis and could not afford to feed themselves or their families. We are independent of any organisation although we will work with other food banks in the area to raise awareness and donations etc. Each visitor to the food bank receives 3 days worth of nutritionally balanced food.


We are open each Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1.00pm - 4.00pm. If you need to contact us outside of these hours, please use the contact details in the menu above.

Our volunteer team


Our volunteer team is the backbone of the food bank. Each week they freely give their time to sort donations, pack food and chat to our visitors as they wait for their food. Then they tidy up after each session before leaving for a well deserved rest!


To enquire about volunteering with the food bank please call us or use the online contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Donations of food


​​The food bank relies on the generosity of individuals, churches and local business to keep the shelves stocked with enough food to meet the demand. Very often we have closed our doors at the end of the week with just a few cans of baked beans left on the shelves although we have never turned anyone away empty handed!.


If you would like to support the food bank by giving a donation, please contact us using the online contact details or calling us on 0121 580 0068.

What we do


​The food bank collects and stores food ready to freely give out to residents who are in crisis for whatever reason. Each person referred to us receives three days worth of nutritionally balanced food.


We work in partnership with voluntary and statutory agencies which issue a referral slip to their clients who then visit the food bank centre where the slip is exchanged for food.

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